Connected Insurance Solutions
Powered by AI

Welcome to Trakm8, a Pioneering Connected Data Insurtech with a proven track record of delivering market-leading connected insurance solutions.

Connected Insurance Solutions
Powered by AI

Welcome to Trakm8, a Pioneering Connected Data Insurtech with a proven track record of delivering market-leading connected insurance solutions.

Proven Trusted Expertise section icon

Fully Managed Solutions
Tailored To Your Needs

Trakm8 aims to address the distinctive needs of insurers through our innovative and market-leading integrated software, hardware, data and digital solutions.

We offer a comprehensive, end-to-end solution that includes seamless customer communications throughout the policy lifecycle, a range of award-winning devices with fully managed fulfilment services, and an integrated AI-driven portal and market-leading driver app.

We can tailor our solution to meet the specific needs of insurers while ensuring scalability for a rapid and effective route to market.

Managed solutions image represented by a digitally rendered car being held within a pair of hands
Award Winning Section Icon

Connected Devices

At Trakm8 we manufacture a portfolio of award-winning connected devices that work seamlessly with our connected insurance interface and customer app.

Tech Driven Insurance Icon

Connected Insurance
Powered by AI

More drivers than ever are turning to PAYD and UBI policies to help manage premiums.

The Trakm8 advanced interface offers insurers an easy-to-implement solution that allows them to view and manage driving data and insights. It integrates seamlessly with our state-of-the-art driver app, offering policyholders a user-friendly platform to view their driving data and scores at a glance.

Digitally enhanced image of cars on a road connected by digital nodes

Trakm8 In Numbers

By analysing over a billion miles of data from more than a million vehicles Trakm8 has developed a comprehensive and market-leading solution for trusted insurer partners.

Devices connected

243,000 +

Miles of data annually

1.5 billion +

Devices manufactured

1.2 million +

Trakm8 Logo - Connected Insurance

Choose Trakm8 for your complete connected insurance solution

TRAKM8 HOLDINGS PLC 4 Roman Park, Roman Way, Coleshill, Birmingham, West Midlands, B46 1HG Sales: +44 (0) 330 311 5157    Support: +44 (0) 330 333 4124 Enquiries: +44 (0) 330 333  4120    Email: